To create or select a project, a simple click of the mouse and you are ready to work on the file. |

An integrated calendar will help you select important dates such as closing dates for the general contractor, for the sub-contractor and for the B.S.D.Q. |

Project Information such closing dates, plans, addenda, professionals, bonds, construction schedule, sub-contractors, are entered in the seven tabs of the Tender sheet. |

The Notes tab enables the estimator to record and consult the general notes of the file as these are required. |

The Invitation to Tender tab allows a computerized management of your requests for prices or for addenda by e-mail or fax. |

Estimating is carried out according to National Master Specifications sections. From now on, it's simple to add up in detail all required sums. |

The Tender Closing tab enables you to consult the desired summaries or to obtain the total cost of work. Coloured graphs are available in order to facilitate your work. |

Add up the time spent working on an estimate. Then you will be able to find out how many hours you worked and your cost. |

The Breakdown of Cost tab enables you to consult the cost of each estimated section and to find out their proportion of the total cost (administration, profit, taxes, insurance and related totals). |

A catalogue including more than 7500 items is included with the purchase of the software. It is possible to obtain updates of material and labour prices by subscribing on the website www.LeCatalogue.ca. |

The calculator is very easy to use. Enter a value and by using an operation key (+, -, /, *) it appears instantaneously. If necessary it will assist you in the conversion of units for your data. |

The Cost sheet allows modification of components' (assembly) price, of waste and round-offs, even after having completed quantity take-offs. |

The GENERAL ESTIMATOR is interfaced with your accounting software. You can transfer instantaneously your estimated project cost in the accounting software dealing with contract cost and you can monitor your costs and expenses. |

The GENERAL ESTIMATOR is interfaced with Microsoft Excel. It is possible to create specific spreadsheets to your needs and automatically import the results into the GENERAL ESTIMATOR. |

The Contacts file contains complete information on contractors including their RBQ number. Each file can have an unlimited number of contacts. |

The Contacts' configuration is done by category, division, section, or geographical area. A selection window gives access to the Contacts in various places in the file. |

Quantity take-offs are compiled in individual calculation sheets which preserve measured dimensions and calculation details. |

The Object is the basis of the GENERAL ESTIMATOR. An object can have one or more price components. Units' conversion can be entirely personalized according to your needs. |

The construction schedule enables you to plan the execution of the work to be done and to obtain, at the same time, the disbursement schedule. |

Create very quickly the reports you wish to obtain. You only have to select the parameters that interest you and you can obtain numerous personalized reports. |